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Version: v0.10 🚧

Set up operational rules

You can set up operational rules in the AppConfiguration model via the opsRule field and corresponding platform configurations in the workspace directory. The opsRule is the collection of operational rule requirements for the application that are used as a preemptive measure to police and stop any unwanted changes.


Please refer to the prerequisites in the guide for deploying an application.

The example below also requires you to have initialized the project using the kusion init command, which will generate a kcl.mod file under the project directory.


App Configuration

Add the opsRule snippet to the AppConfiguration in dev/main.k

import catalog.models.schema.v1 as ac
import catalog.models.schema.v1.workload as wl
import catalog.models.schema.v1.workload.container as c
import catalog.models.schema.v1.trait as t

helloworld: ac.AppConfiguration {
workload: wl.Service {
containers: {
"helloworld": c.Container {
image: ""
resources: {
"cpu": "500m"
"memory": "512M"
replicas: 2
# config the maxUnavailable rule
opsRule = t.OpsRule {
maxUnavailable: "30%"

Platform configuration

For platform engineers, you can also set default values of the opsRule in the ~/.kusion/workspace/dev.yaml to standardize the behavior of applications. The maxUnavailable in the platform configuration will be overridden by the value set in the application configuration.


If the platform engineers have set the default workload to Kusion Operation and installed the Kusion Operation controllers properly, the opsRules module will generate a PodTransitionRule instead of updating the maxUnavailable value in the deployment

maxUnavailable: "40%"


Re-run steps in Applying, resource scaling is completed.

$ kusion apply
✔︎ Generating Spec in the Stack dev...
Stack: dev ID Action
* ├─ v1:Namespace:helloworld UnChanged
* ├─ v1:Service:helloworld:helloworld-dev-helloworld-private UnChanged
* └─ apps/v1:Deployment:helloworld:helloworld-dev-helloworld Update

? Do you want to apply these diffs? yes
Start applying diffs ...
SUCCESS UnChanged v1:Namespace:helloworld, skip
SUCCESS UnChanged v1:Service:helloworld:helloworld-dev-helloworld-private, skip
SUCCESS Update apps/v1:Deployment:helloworld:helloworld-dev-helloworld success
Update apps/v1:Deployment:helloworld:helloworld-dev-helloworld success [3/3] █████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ 100% | 0s
Apply complete! Resources: 0 created, 1 updated, 0 deleted.


We can verify the application deployment strategy now has the updated attributes maxUnavailable: 30% in the container configuration:

kubectl get deployment -n helloworld -o yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
maxUnavailable: 30%
type: RollingUpdate
